Fracasse de 12
Hop !

A punchy, powerful theatrical show for young and old alike.
The daily routine of four sweepers, with a mix of percussion, dance, theatre, songs and acrobatics.
Hop! the show that makes broomsticks sing, bins dance and the audience laugh. Four road sweepers are simply streets ahead, brushing away the ennui of the daily routine in a magical mêlée of broomsticks wielded against a pulsating background of clacking bin-lids,street-funk rhythm, choreographed gymnastics and high-quality recycled vox humanas scrap.
"Fracasse de 12 spares us the silly and easy criticism of city council employees. Hop! bets on the strength of the interpretation and the humor of the situation, in which the public is sometimes complicit."
Télérama ; Festival Coulée Douce ; juin 2017

Couched in the international language of dance, music, pantomime, clownery and poetry, here’s a presentation to delight young and old alike, soliciting sidewalk, smiles and teasing out every passer’s-by hidden desire to laugh, dream and (why not) hip Hop!.
Hop! est un spectacle de théâtre de rue musical tout public et sans parole.
"Garbage cans, plastic cones and a big dose of talent: the four members of Fracasse de 12 need no more than to make their audience scream with laughter. Their inventiveness and good humor will win over all audiences in this crazy broom ballet"
La Montagne ; festival d’Aurillac ; août 2017
We performed it more than 500 times since 2011, in France and all over the world : Belgium ( La Ville Ailée festival ; mairie d’Anvers), Switzerland (La chaux de fonds, Ascona festival, Tarmac festival à Renens, mairie de Nyon), Lithuania (Vilnius culture night festival), Spain (Esbaiola’t festival), Italy (Venise Carnival, Milano clown festival), Svolenia (Ana Desetnica festival : Ljubjana, Sostanj, Kranj, Sezana), Sweden (Malmofest and Stockoff), Netherlands ( Kunsten Op Straat festival), Luxembourg (Beckerich), Taiwan (Taipei Summer festival), and at the Womads festivals in Australia and New Zeland.
"Onomatopoeia, acrobatics, songs, body percussion, beat-box, dances associated with the hijacking of objects and acting are choreographed and staged with brilliance. In the end, a very rhythmic and offbeat comedy, reminiscent of the world of Jacques Tati."
Le Télégramme ; avril 2014

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Fracasse de 12
A young, innovative and unique multi-events company, that’s offers to support you in the great moments of your life.
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